Sunday, November 25, 2007

More pictures

So a couple more of new york and then we look at st. John's in Canada. A lot of the people on the boat complained how little there was to do there but I disagree. It was a great little town with lots of interesting architetecture, churches, and some of the best used record stores, book shops, and women with punk haircuts I've ever seen. You should go for the Tim Horton's donuts alone. Although this ugly american was surprised by the fact a small coffee in canada is less than 32oz? What gives Canada? Why the sensible portions?

While I'm waiting for pictures to upload it might be good to talk about the tour we did of the northeast coast line. The scenery for the most part was beautiful. Living in LA you forget how amazing the season of fall can be. So places like Bar Harbor, Martha's Vineyard, and parts of Boston were absolutley fantastic. The only down side is that for a month we were going to each of these places every week. Now as lovely as Halifax canada is, the only thing to do there is whale watch or take a look at an old Garrison. So it became our port of internet. Not that you would know that by how infrequently I post on this.

Bar Harbor's foliage pretty much kicked any foliage's ass I've ever seen before. Plus, they work hard to maintain the ideal of small town life, even though they're are huge cruise ships full of cranky old people pulling in every week. While there they had a Halloween parade made up of all the school children. It was something that made me nostalgic for my youth, since my school did something similar although all we did was march around a parking lot while these kids got to tour the town square.

Bar Harbor and Martha's Vineyard were the two ports where we had to take tender boats into port (smaller boats attached to the main cruise ship) For the most part these boats are always kind of fun. There was one instance though as my castmate Natalie and I were leaving Martha's Vineyard when the boat was caught in rough seas and we were trapped for about forty minutes in a floating box. it is the only time I came close to sea sickness. They passed out barf bags and all I could imagine was eighty people stuck in this boat furiously puking all over each other, and that it would become such a mess they would have to burn our clothes and sink the boat. I guess some dreams just don't come true.

Martha's Vineyard works its ass off to look quaint and idyllic, to the point of unreality. They have a place called dollhouse square, made up of all these small rental houses that look like...well...fucking dollhouses. It's a very peaceful place though and you can rent a scooter for forty bucks and tour around.

Next up on the itinerary was boston. I've always loved this city. Boston is like that cousin you love but sometimes gets a little too drunk and starts spewing obscenities. The town has such a rich history and things like the freedom trail are totally worth doing. it's just funny, because you'll be sitting there reading some plaque about some moment in the formation of our country's history, and then from behind you you'll overhear "Go FACK your Mudder. Get in the cah and shut the fack up." Of course there was a lot going on the weeks we were there, what with the playoffs and the world series. This was the one city on this tour where I wished we didn't have to be back on the boat until midnight.

Finally we would always spend our saturdays and sundays in new york. Upside: We were in New York. Downside: We had to be back on the boat by 3:30 pm. Now that is not to say, you couldn't make arrangments to spend the night in New York. I just didn't have the oppritunity. Also we had the booze cruise saturday night where the boat would just go out into the middle of nowhere and people would get drunk and gamble. I'm not sure why if you're living in new york you would want to go out on a boat to get drunk but these people were always good for a laugh.

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