Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Trip cliff notes or letters to Brent

Since my story telling is so long. Here is a brief run down on my schedule as written to my friend brent

Hey Brent,

I feel like a dick since I've barely made contact with you. totally my fault and I apologize. Anyway things are good. I'm in Halifax canada right now, in a coffee shop glad that I'm not having to use the internet connection on the boat.

things are good. Weird but good. Adjusting to boat life is taking a little bit longer than I was expecting. I'm not getting sea sick or anything but just the fact that I'm on a boat that keep going to the same place everyday is giving my life kind of a groundhog day like quality.

Saturday and Sunday are New York which is awesome. I feel bad for making fun of Sharon. That city is really is pretty cool. Do not let her know I said that. In fact oddly enough last week I ran into her in Strawberry fields in central park. I had no idea she would even be in New york.

Saturday night the boat does this booze cruise, where a bunch of people get drunk and gamble for one night on the boat. This is always a crazy affair, and funny things always seem to occur. Like one of the guys workng in the bar nearly kicked my castmates ass because he touched his mop. So I had to settle down an angry philipino and convince him that my cast mate was not worth getting in trouble,

Monday is our day at sea. Which is just how it sounds we spend the whole day and night getting to canada. the first two times the weather was horrible and the day at sea was always really depressing. this week though we had bright skies and it was actually a lot of fun. we do our improv rehersals on monday, which last about an hour and a half.

tuesday is Bar harbor I have yet to go. the first week we were preparing for our first night of sketch shows, and the next week we were in a differet place called St. John also in Canada. St. John was very nice. the sketch shows are on tuesday night. One at 7:30 and one at 9:30. without fail they have met with rousing success. People on the boat go apeshit for this show. Especially this one sketch called pictionary. written by stephen colbert. Fifteen pages long this sketch is and it invariably kills every time.

I just fucked up tuesday is Halifax which is quaint, and I can always find a good internet connection. its mostly known for its whale tours which I haven't gone on yet, maybe my last week here. All the above show information is the same.

wednsday is Bar harbor look above for my feelings on that. But we also meet to discuss running order for the improv show, and to discuss the projects we will film on the boat and there are several. A lot of them revolving around one of the employees on the ship. More on this employee later.

thursday is boston. Love this city. the way the historic is smashed up against the new architecture. you can wander around forever in this city. the only down side is that we have to leave by 5pm. I would love to experience its night life. then in the evening at 8:45 and 10:45 we do our improv sets. Each set is about half an hour. The first few shows were awful but they are starting to get better. My cast is very good, but like any cast it takes awhie to figure out everybody's rhythms.

Friday is Martha's Vineyard. Beautiful, relaxing, and fun because we have to take these small boats from the ship to land and they always seem on the verge of capsizing. the conversations you overhear on this boat are pricesless. such as last week when I overheard two older women (late 40's) discussing what they would do to my cast member James if they got the chance.

then Saturday back in new york to start the whole process all over again.

So that's my week. Actually now that I've written this I think I will add it to my blog, I kind of need a cliff notes version. As usual my writing goes on a little too long.

Hope things are well with you. Let me know what is going on.


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