Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So instead of bitching....lets start bleating

I feel like my blog lately has been one part my travels and two parts bitching about how Im having trouble uploading pictures. so I say lets stop bemoaning bad internet and instead tell a story to pass the time while I wait to see if a picture of Koko appears on this page.

Once upon a time, on a small island there lived a small goat. Although to him this island was quite large, in fact he had no idea that it was an island at all for within the twenty acres that he roamed with his family that was all he knew of the world. The goat's name was Terri Brambles. Now all goats are given extremely long first names. It is part of their heritage as being as they believe God's finest creation, and their names reflect the hard work that God put into them. Their first names on average take five days and twenty-three hours to say. There names being symbolic of the time it took for God to create the goat. The other hour he used to create the universe. So in the goat world it is not unheard of to only have your full name said three times in your entire life. Once when you are born, (the parents take turns saying the name), once when you're married (the ceremonies are quite long, as you can imagine!), and once when you die whereupon the entire herd will each say a few parts of your name (this limits funerals to only two days.)

Now as far as Terri's last name. Every goat has their own unique last name. Terri's last name came from his love of the bittersweet berries that grew in abundance in his area of the world. Unfortunately they were usually protected by thickets and brambles. Terri loved the berries so much though, that often he would stick his head right into a thicket and end up with a collar of brambles around his neck. Brambles his mother was losing patience in removing week after week, so most times if you saw Terri there were at least a few brambles around his neck.

Terri was black with white feet, small nubs for horns and a white stripe going down between his eyes and horns. His tail was sightly larger than average, something he got from his father's side. His eyes were golden with flecks of orange, and his tongue pink and long. He believed his voice quite beautiful and because he believed in its inheirent loveliness he liked to say everything loudly. So the world could better hear him. More often than not though, the rest of the goats in his world wished Terri would give it a rest. For when he was supposed to be napping under the mango tree with the other goat kids, he would frequently wander off to the edge of a cliff and call to his mother informing her loudly that he could not sleep because of the buzzing of the bees, or the twittering of the trash birds, or the crashing of the ocean was keeping him awake. His mother would crossly tell him to go back to napping so she could have a moment's peace.


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